I pray that everyone had a great and rejuvenating holiday break.
Little Lambs is growing, and God gets all the glory! Tallahassee is learning who we are and what we offer. As a person with nearly 20 years of management and customer service experience, I have learned that you will not be able to service everyone, no matter the product or service you offer. And that’s okay. One of the first steps in a successful business is understanding your target market.
With that said, why this Little Lambs (there is more than one, but no affiliation)? Aside from a clean, safe, and loving environment, I believe the thing that sets this Little Lambs apart is the mission to preserve God in childcare. I can recall when God first put this in my heart; it was about protecting children and introducing God in their lives. There is so much going on in this world. Times have changed and things are not how they used to be, especially in schools. We are in a generation where the Bible and praying in schools are prohibited, and this should not be. Our children are suffering, but the answer is not in more fun and freedom. We need more God!
For parents who desire their children to be cared for in a Godly environment, Little Lambs is the place for them. We understand that this is not the desire for all parents, and that's fine. We are here to serve the families God desires for us to help.
Now understand, having a childcare program founded on God does not mean we sit and read scriptures the whole day; You may have heard me say that before, but that is because it is a misconception for many. The Bible says, “According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness…” (2 Peter 1:3). Applied to childcare, this means that when a program is truly built on God, the children will lack nothing; They can be edified academically, spiritually, emotionally, developmentally, and physically. We have a schedule and program, and administratively there is no difference.
Our mission is to teach and be an example to children about God through Jesus. Little Lambs strives to be a light in a darkening world.
From our hearts, we thank everyone that continues to support us. God is moving, and we are going wherever He leads us.
Please review us on Facebook and Google!
Kristina Bolton, Director